Sunday, November 29, 2009

Things I LOVE: Culture

So not that long ago I wrote about going to coffee with friends and I had expressed how this was one of my all time favorite things to do! WELL I have decided that I have to continue writing some of my favorite things maybe as insignificant as they may be but all in all my FAVORITE!
My younger sister, Hillary, started a list of things that she LOVED and it made me start to wonder about things that I might I started thinking about all these things I realized how TRUELY blessed I am to be surrounded by small, big, weird, crazy things that make me happy. They are like little gifts that God has set aside just for me to enjoy at any given time that He chooses!
I am going to start with cultures! I LOVE cultures! I love learning about them, understanding them and most of all being immersed in them, getting to experience them first hand. It is truely amazing how God made different areas so special!
It is like getting to know a person, everyone is different some of them have similarities but others are just off the wall. You can hear stories and think that you will really get along with them but you won't know until you hangout with them. In that time you could love them quickly or not and have to work to love them.
I have yet to meet a culture that I have to work to love...there is just so much behind what they do and how they do it that I can't help but appreciate how God has constructed them over the years!

1 comment:

Laura Schuh said...

Mmmmm... me too... I mean, I love cultures too It's great to hear your perspective!