Saturday, September 6, 2008


Can you believe it guys?!? I am actually here, in Africa! After many hours (21 hours) of flying my feet are safely on the ground! Last night when I arrived ALL of my luggage made it so I was super excited about that; although Anna wasn't as privileged, her luggage went to Europe for some reason and will be arriving today at around 1 PM so that isn't so bad! We are both just so thankful that all of our trips went so well!
When we got our bags we were greeted by Mama Harawa, Cypheen, and Humphrey. Hugs all around and smiles!! I was so happy to be on the ground in Africa! SI DENOTE: yes, mom we did get to unload directly from the plane and go down those really cool steps like you see really important people do and many pictures (or just one) were had! :) Anna and I both couldn't stop smiling! We arrived at EOH and got the tour from Mama H. and not long after went to bed...we were beat!!
During our training Gary told us a story how their first intern was struggling because the God he witnessed here in Africa was different from the God he was use to! Gary said that one night the man cried out to God and saw O'Ryan's Belt...he was so thankful to see something familiar in all of his frustration. When he looked again he noticed that O'Ryan was the same but from Zambia it was upside down. That is when he realized that God was the same God just now he was seeing Him from a different point of view! When I looked up for the first time into the African night I saw the moon, the same moon you all see but from a totally different point of view, it was smiling at me! It was great; when I was younger we use to say that it was God's thumb nail, last night for the first time ever I saw GOD's smile!! :) For the rest of the night I couldn't stop smiling, I wanted to pinch myself to say it is all really happening my dreams have actually come true, I am HERE!!
I will probably write in a few days after we get settled! Thanks MUCHO!

*THANK HIM we are here!!
*Continue to prepare us for the people we will come in contact with
*Help us to adjust quickly to the time here...I think we will be fine, been drinking lots of water(bottled water)
*Remember why we are here and to live with no regrets!
*Grandpa Slagter, always in my prayers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Natalie,

I'm celebrating with you and praying for you. Hug all those little kiddos for me as you begin His journey of ministry in Zambia!

Grace and peace,
